About Gemma

Gemma is a smart and coloured pot that helps kids to take care of their plants. The pot is equipped with sensors for checking if the soil's humidity, the temperature and light in the room are optimal for the growth of the plant. The pot reproduces some voice request in order to draw the kid's attention in fulfill some tasks, like watering the plant or put the pot near the window. Then, the pot provides some audio/visual feedbacks for the success or the failure of the action.

The Gemma's app can be used for playing funny and camera based games when the plant is in good conditions and to see educational animated cartoons. The multimedia content is aimed to teach basic biology concepts, good practices of plant caring and to improve kid's skills step by step.


Our product born to solve a given problem: the lack of eco-responsibility among children from 6 to 10 years-old. In our view, a smart pot is able to teach kids how to have respect of the environment through plants care. We asked to parents about this problem and we realized that they really felt it, even more than expected: 70% of respondents claimed that they try their best in empowering kids about nature by letting them help at home with some kind of housework, but parents have never bought (or thought about) a toy with features similar to Gemma.

Our sponsors

Our team

  • Antonio Falco

    Project Management

  • Emese Fellegi

    Design & Engineering

  • Giovanni Siracusa

    Project Management

  • Jacopo Losi


  • Kamil Rzechowski


  • Matteo Caliandro



